Month: March 2016

رسائل تهنئة بعيد الفطر السعيد – Racing loved ones to congratulate each other congratulatory messages Eid who followed them for each Ptazzam

رسائل تهنئة بعيد الفطر السعيد

Racing loved ones to congratulate each other congratulatory messages Eid who followed them for each Ptazzam

رسائل تهنئة بعيد الفطر السعيد screenshot 0رسائل تهنئة بعيد الفطر السعيد screenshot 1رسائل تهنئة بعيد الفطر السعيد screenshot 2رسائل تهنئة بعيد الفطر السعيد screenshot 3رسائل تهنئة بعيد الفطر السعيد screenshot 4

Yours valued our loved ones and our visitors the best holiday messages in 2015, it has approached the Eid al-Fitr racing and loved ones to congratulate each other and always mobile messages always reflect on what I have inside of us and chose us to you a set of distinctive messages we wish to gain our admiration
Balash sit Tstna and Keda salvation pill Msjat Eid al-Fitr 2015 states followed them Keda smoothly and quietly each Ptazzam or who have each existing and Msgelhm in mobile.
Balash scrimp means opportunity and before the networks are crowded SMS Eid al-Fitr Messages religious Muslim or funny for friends and loved ones, to Habib, the granule, the Traveler’s Wife, husband, and each acquaintances Balvsahy and all the dialects of rolling stock in the countries of the Arab homeland (Egypt, Sudan, Morocco, Algeria, Tunisia, Libya , Yemen, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Qatar, UAE, Bahrain, Oman, Iraq, Syria, Palestine, Jordan, Lebanon).
Start warmest congratulations sweet with the finest phrases and words on the occasion of Eid al-Fitr and long grain or short Msjat very rigid 2015 – 2016 and Lessa Badri O God the month of fasting.

«Application features»
Participation of messages through Alwatsab or Facebook or any other software
-hfez Message in any preferred to return to it quickly via the menu
– Change the font size in the settings page
-alraah Night: change background feature and application between black and white colors

Download apk file for your android phone:

مسجات عيد الفطر – SMS who know each with congratulatory messages Eid al-Fitr 2015

مسجات عيد الفطر

SMS who know each with congratulatory messages Eid al-Fitr 2015

مسجات عيد الفطر screenshot 0مسجات عيد الفطر screenshot 1مسجات عيد الفطر screenshot 2مسجات عيد الفطر screenshot 3مسجات عيد الفطر screenshot 4

Msjat Eid al-Fitr
Eid al-Fitr salvation on the doorstep and you’re going down, you buy a new wearing little Msjat equipped congratulations of Eid Al-Fitr 2015 and who know each SMS congratulation with Eid al-Fitr in 2015 for small to large and distant relative and messages of Habib and of course Undoubtedly.
Today was quick to send Eid al-Fitr messages and before the prayer and takbeers be Battaat sweeter trowels and every year and Antua start Taibin.
And most importantly that the congratulations of Eid al-Fitr on this page Messages Group is a small sample out of hundreds of Msjat Eid Al-Fitr can be found by clicking on the links below, including the Eid al-Fitr Messages religious Muslim in 2015 for friends, as well as congratulations Eid al-Fitr to Facebook or Twitter messages and also Msjat congratulate Eid al-Fitr Mobile short funny, and all Egyptian Arabic dialects, Iraq, Jordan, Syria, Sudan, Yemen, GCC or Amartah Saudi, Kuwaiti, Msjat Eid al-Fitr Moroccan Algerian Tunisian and other holiday messages.

«Application features»
Participation of messages through Alwatsab or Facebook or any other software
-hfez Message in any preferred to return to it quickly via the menu
– Change the font size in the settings page
-alraah Night: change background feature and application between black and white colors

Detail information:

#1 Selfie – #1 Selfie : Fame is in your hands!

#1 Selfie

#1 Selfie : Fame is in your hands!

#1 Selfie screenshot 0#1 Selfie screenshot 1#1 Selfie screenshot 2#1 Selfie screenshot 3#1 Selfie screenshot 4

Bolder Applications presents #1Selfie, the hottest new worldwide selfie-sharing app!

• #1Selfie allows you to share your selfies with the world without having to worry about negative comments, bullying and body shaming.

• With #1Selfie, you can exceed the limits of your network and share your selfies confidently with the entire online community.

• Selfies are displayed in the order of likes, adding a competitive element to make #1Selfie a fun and addictive app. Selfies can be liked more than once; a user can like each selfie every day of the week.

• The current top three (3) selfies are displayed prominently on the app and the top 3 selfies for each week are archived. All other selfies posted for the week are wiped from the server.

• A weekly countdown is displayed prominently on the app and the countdown starts over every Monday morning at approximately 12:01 AM EST.

• #1Selfie users receive notifications alerting them of the number of likes their selfies have received.

• #1Selfie recognizes the top five (5) “Posters of the Day” in a notification sent to all #1Selfie users.

• #1 Selfie allows for users to create their own competitions or #1Selfie groups/categories by utilizing the “Search by #hashtag” feature. The #hashtag search results are displayed separately and these selfies are ranked by the number of likes. This is a great feature for events, schools, clubs, marketers, fundraising, companies, etc.

• The app’s intuitive contact functionality allows you to communicate with other posters or allows you to be contacted if users select the “Allow users to contact” option.

• So…#Loveyourselfie and download this bully-proof, worldwide, selfie sharing app for free today! Get #1Selfie; it’s where your “likes” matter!

See detail information:

Sugestões de Presentes L S2 C – List of gift suggestions for the wedding of Lidia and Creonilso

Sugestões de Presentes L S2 C

List of gift suggestions for the wedding of Lidia and Creonilso

Sugestões de Presentes L S2 C screenshot 0Sugestões de Presentes L S2 C screenshot 1Sugestões de Presentes L S2 C screenshot 2Sugestões de Presentes L S2 C screenshot 3

List of gift suggestions for the wedding of Lidia and Creonilso

Important warning:

The idea of ​​using the application is only to avoid repeated many items.
With this application the guest can choose the item that will present and mark as chosen by clicking the “Give” button, so the other guests know that the bride and groom have won that gift.

Please only check the item chosen as if it is really buy that item because once chosen this item will not be available for other guests.

There is no direct option in the application, by clicking on “gift” you’re just reporting for the bride and groom and guests who will go to a store to buy that item and give the bride and groom.

See more information: